The Balancing Act

Objective: Help people overcome the financial stress of living beyond their means through finding contentment and financial freedom.Nonfictiion ghostwriting: The road to financial freedom includes understanding why we spend, how to modify those habits, and building a balance between what we need and what we have.

The Balancing Act provides a road map to financial freedom by educating the reader on ways to understand why they spend what they do. Then it shows how to modify spending habits, build a balance between needs and income, and find contentment.

In a step-by-step format, this nonfiction ghostwriting project for an expert in personal finance counseling is aimed at motivating people to live below their means and uncover the financial goals that are most important to them and their families.

Read a sample of this book.

My Role in This Project

I managed this project from start to finish:

  • Developing book outline with author
  • Researching personal finance trends, behavioral economics, and statistical information to back the authors ideas
  • Interviewing subject matter expert based on final outline
  • Transcribing and rewriting interviews into narrative text
  • Conducting interviews with testimonial contributors and transcribing with edits
  • Several rounds of edits, rewrites, and updates
  • Final proof reading for accuracy and grammar